Euroc Preparation
The final directory structure for monorec to run on a euroc type dataset must be as shown below. The images must be from a camera-model of type pinhole. The number 00 represents the sequence name. The folders dso and mav0 follow the euroc convention. mav0 contains the data (images, imu etc.) and dso contains sensor information (camera intrinsics, camera extrinsics, distortion parameters, imu intrinsics etc.)
├── 00
| ├── basalt_keyframe_data
| │ ├── keypoints
| │ ├── keypoints_viz
| │ └── poses
| ├── dso
| │ ├── cam0
| │ │ └── images -> ../../mav0/cam0/data
| │ └── cam1
| │ └── images -> ../../mav0/cam1/data
| ├── mav0
| ├── cam0
| │ └── data
| ├── cam1
| │ └── data
| ├── imu0
| └── mocap0
├── 01
The script is used for generating the basalt_keyframe_data folder in the above mentioned directory structure. It runs basalt on each of the sequences and saves the keypoints and poses.
usage: [-h] tumvi_path basalt_path
Python code for running basalt on tumvi sequences
positional arguments:
tumvi_path path to tum-vi dataset
basalt_path path to basalt directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python3 ../../tumvi-dataset/ ../basalt/