Quick Start
Data Preparation
Prepare the data (Realsense Bag / Tum-vi) in Euroc Format. Refer to the respective documentation for instructions:
Running the Pipeline
Run Basalt to extract camera poses and keypoints:
cd euroc-preparation/ python3 run_basalt_euroc.py <data_path> ./basalt/
Run MonoRec to generate dense depth maps aggregated to a pointcloud. Make sure to update the data paths in the configuration file:
cd MonoRec/ python3 create_pointcloud.py --config configs/test/pointcloud_monorec_tumvi.json
Visualize the camera trajectory from Basalt:
cd trajectory_visualization/ python3 visualize_trajectory.py <data_path>
Visualize the generated pointcloud using CloudCompare or Open3D:
cloudcompare <pointcloud_path>
python3 MonoRec/rgbd2pcl.py --config MonoRec/configs/test/pointcloud_monorec_euroc.json