Dense Reconstruction Toolkit

Documentation Status


Dense 3D reconstruction using a single camera is a critical step in scene understanding and visualizing real-world environments. The process involves generating dense depth maps that capture detailed 3D representations of a scene.

A dense reconstruction pipeline uses monocular images, respective image poses, and sparse depth maps (for supervision), and outputs high-resolution depth maps and reconstructed 3D environments. The technique relies heavily on accurate camera motion estimation and sparse 3D geometry, making Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) a crucial component.

Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) combines camera data and inertial measurements to estimate the trajectory of a moving camera. It provides Relative Camera Poses required for frame alignment in dense reconstruction and Sparse Depth Maps i.e. the triangulated 3D points used in pose estimation using 2D-3D point correspondences.

MonoRec and Basalt: The Reconstruction Pipeline

This toolkit integrates two advanced tools, MonoRec and Basalt, to create a streamlined pipeline for dense reconstruction. We introduce changes to the original tools to enable seamless integration and work with forks of the original repositories:

  1. MonoRec Fork: A UNet-style network for dense depth map generation from posed monocular images.

  2. Basalt Fork: A Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) and mapping system that provides accurate camera poses and sparse depth maps from a sequence of monocular images (and optionally IMU data).


Basalt is used to extract keypoints, camera poses, and sparse 3D geometry, which are fed into MonoRec to produce dense depth maps and 3D Reconstructions(visualized as pointclouds with color information) of the scene. The dense depth maps along with the camera poses are used to generate the 3D reconstructions. Together, they form an end-to-end pipeline for dense 3D reconstruction using monocular images.

Project Capabilities:

This repository includes tools and scripts for:

  1. Preparation of the EuRoC Dataset for MonoRec [euroc-preparation]:

    • Conversion of the TUM-VI dataset into EuRoC format.

    • Generation of EuRoC-format data from bag files recorded with the Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455.

    • Running Basalt to extract camera poses and keypoints for training and inference.

  2. Pose Visualization [trajectory_visualization]:

    • Debugging and visualization of camera trajectories generated by Basalt.

  3. Testing and Validation [extras]:

    • Validation of MonoRec’s dataloaders.

    • Verification of keypoints extracted by Basalt.

We hope this toolkit serves as a valuable resource for researchers and developers working on monocular dense reconstruction projects.

